After a certain period of penetration, the permeate penetrates into the surface opening defect under the action of capillary; removes the excess permeate of the part and dries it; then applies the developer on the surface of the part; under the action of the capillary, the penetration of the developer in the adsorption defect The liquid causes the permeate to ooze back into the developer; under a certain light source (black or white), the trace of the permeate at the defect is magnified (yellow-green fluorescence or bright red) to detect the defect morphology and distribution.

Scope of application
Penetrant testing is used to inspect surface opening defects (raw materials, processes, uses) of metals (steel, heat resistant alloys, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, copper alloys) and non-metallic (ceramic, plastic) parts or materials, such as cracks, loose, Stomata, slag inclusions, cold separation, folding, and oxidized smears. It is commonly used in weld quality inspection to detect weld surface openness defects.
Advantages of penetration testing:
Testing various materials (magnetic, non-magnetic; ferrous, non-ferrous, non-metallic)
Detect various structural parts (welding parts, castings, forgings, machined parts)
Detect various properties (linear defects or volume defects), size and orientation defects
High sensitivity
Permeability testing limitations: only suitable for surface opening defects, not suitable for the detection of porous parts or materials and rough surface workpieces. Such as powder metallurgy. Only the surface distribution can be checked and it is difficult to determine the depth of the defect.
Penetration testing implementation criteria JB 4730.5--2004 "Non-destructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 5: Penetration testing"
Scope of application: It is applicable to the detection of surface opening defects caused by the manufacture, installation and use of non-porous metal materials or non-metallic materials.
Quality Grading: The quality classification of welded joints and bevels is shown in the table below.
