Application of flaw detection device in production practice
The role of flaw detection devices in the improvement of die-casting process and mold design
(1) Safety parts - Shanghai Delphi's slider

1) Process description
For the first pressure test, die-casting was carried out on a Lijin 160T die-casting machine. The test was carried out according to the following parameters: injection pressure 100 MPa, high speed 2.6 m/s, low speed 0.15 m/s, slow injection stroke 300 mm, mold retention time 3s.
2) Defect analysis
According to the flaw detection image , many scattered bright spots (in the body of the part) can be seen on the casting, which indicates that the inside of the casting has many pores, sparse structure and poor forming.
3) Reason for formation
1 During the die-casting process - the gas is entrained during spraying to form pores; 2 the mold temperature is too low, the metal flow is not smooth; 3 the injection speed is insufficient, the filling is insufficient; 4 the exhaust effect is not good.
