The outlet pipe of the seal has passed the sample delivery stage and has entered the mass production stage.
Since the product is a seal, the leakage problem is the main problem causing the waste, and the main cause of the leak is the porosity problem. Therefore, the quality assurance is controlled by the frequency of inspection. The method used is to inspect one end of each shift.
The picture in the text is the flaw detection image in the production process. The figure shows that the internal organization of each part is uniform and dense, and there are no defects such as pores and shrinkage holes. In this way, the quality of the product is confirmed, and there is no problem after the processing and the test leaking process. It can be seen that the use of X-ray flaw detection greatly reduces the waste caused by internal defects caused by die-casting, and basically solves the problem of tight processing capacity, thereby ensuring the smooth production of the product.
It has been proved by practice that X-ray flaw detection is used in the production process, and as an advanced detection means, the product quality has been improved, which has played an important role in improving the quality of the field inspection from the visual inspection to the internal inspection microscopic inspection.