Multi-energy fusion technology
a) Technical background and advantages
In industrial ray inspection, the materials are various, especially materials with different densities and different thicknesses will appear in the same workpiece, which will increase the difficulty of detection. If the materials in the test workpiece are separately processed, the combined portion may have underexposure, overexposure, and possibility of missed detection, resulting in a serious lack of structural and density information of the constituent members.
The multi-energy fusion software developed by Henan Huayan Detection Technology Co., Ltd. uses multi-level energy fusion technology without changing the hardware of X-ray system to realize the detection of large thickness ratio and complex structural parts, so that various materials in the workpiece are in their respective The image exposure has the best effect, and then the computer processing method is used to display different material images on one image. The layers are distinct, the transition is natural, and there is no violation. It is a new type of radiography software processing method.
b) Technical points
Conventional imaging detection, images generated by different materials and corresponding exposures have weak grayscale, blurred recognition boundaries, and scattered line effects at the edges of the image. We propose a method for reconstructing the material's substantial structure using multi-energy radiography, using ray multi-channel absorption to reconstruct the internal features of materials, especially multi-composites. This method can be widely used to detect large thickness ratio, complex structure of workpieces and Multi-layer composites for internal structural inspection and image reconstruction from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters, including various defects, cavities and inhomogeneities. The multi-energy fusion software function adopts multiple energy and its characteristic processing methods, and has the following four characteristics:
1. Structure inspection. Analyze the main components of each frame of image, extract information, enhance details, obtain real-time frame-by-frame fusion of fused images, frame-by-frame enhancement processing, and frame-by-frame display to provide users with a good experience. Optimal grayscale interval determination of multi-energy ray sequence images.
2. Multi-energy ray sequence image exposure is automatically measured and adjusted.
3. Detection and pre-processing of the false edges of the ray image.
4. Based on pyramid transform and contourlet transform, multi-scale decomposition and fusion frame image feature level information extraction, recognition, judgment and fusion, the algorithm is fast.
Applicable to power GIS, insulation pipe, metal composite materials and other large thickness ratio workpieces.
c) Software features
1. Using computer multi-core processor parallel processing technology
2. Use CPU and GPU underlying instruction acceleration to adapt to different computer configurations
3. Multi-mode fusion, automatic and manual adjustment
4. Custom gray curve mapping
5. Fast image detail enhancement
Case: Power tensile clamp detection
630 type tensile clamp material:
Steel core 16mm
Steel anchor 12mm
Aluminum stranded wire 10mm
Ray machine: MAPT250
Flat panel detector: Rayence1012WGB
Frame rate: 6 frames
Sampling interval: 1s
Focal length: 600mm
Effect: The state of steel anchor, steel core and aluminum stranded wire can be observed at the same time, and the aluminum tube is crimped.
The first voltage: 130kV, you can see the aluminum strand

Voltage: 130kV, can see the aluminum stranded wire

Voltage: 140kV, you can see the steel anchor inserted into the steel core state

Voltage: 150kV, aluminum tube crimping status can be observed

Fusion interface

Fusion effect
The details of each voltage image are summarized and fused, the image sensitivity is improved, the exposure is adjusted, the pseudo edge is suppressed, the boundary of the transition zone can be displayed at the same time, the phenomenon of missed detection is eliminated, the defect detection rate is improved, and the safe and stable operation of the device is ensured.
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