Chinese scientists have developed X-ray detectors with high sensitivity and low detection limits.
X-ray high-sensitivity testing is widely used in medical, safety and industrial testing applications, such as X-ray chest X-ray, CT imaging and X-ray safety inspection at airports. X-ray is usually detected by first converting the X-ray into visible light using a scintillator and then detecting it by a conventional silicon-based visible light detector. This indirect detection method is not efficient enough on the one hand, and the shiny scintillator is thick on the other hand. , its imaging resolution is limited by optical crosstalk

The Yanglan Research Group of Zhejiang University, with the support of the National Key Research and Development Program "Nano Science and Technology", reported a semiconductor material (NH4)3Bi2I9 with perovskite structure. This perovskite material has high X. light absorption efficiency and carrier collection efficiency, and its unique anisotropic layered structure helps to achieve efficient migration and collection of carriers in the signal collection direction while suppressing lateral Diffusion, so that the horizontal direction suppresses the diffusion current in the imaging array, reduces the electrical crosstalk between the signals, and achieves higher resolution imaging. These characteristics are rarely reported in previous X-ray detectors. Based on this material, the research team produced an X-ray detector with high sensitivity and low detection limit. The detection sensitivity and minimum detection limit greatly exceeded the existing amorphous selenium direct X-ray detector. In the future, this X-ray detector can be used in X-ray imaging systems for medical, safety and industrial non-destructive testing equipment, enabling us to obtain sharper images with less radiation.
The research results were recently published in the international academic journal Nature photonics.
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