This presentation will analyze the status of NDT 4.0 and explain a variety of potential implementations within X-ray inspection
The quality of the training in NDT is critical in the development of competent technicians.
Nondestructive testing or Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage.
X-ray detectors are used in many fields such as medicine, astronomy, security, and non-destructive testing. Research on X-ray detectors is also constantly developing.
NDT will be impacted by Industry 4.0 and will also be an enabler for the transition, with embedded sensors providing some of the data necessary.
In the use of DR detection system, it is important to study the response characteristics of flat panel detectors to different energy and intensity X-rays, which can greatly improve the imaging quality and assist in selecting the optimal radiation dose
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